Unused Indexes | Oracle | Idexes That are not used
This query is used to obtain unused indexes on Oracle database. You should rebuild this query for Your own puproses, and You have to remember that dba_hist_sql_plan table is a part o tunning pack that is additional charged.
The oracle mechanism - index monitoring is really cool - if You have unbeliveble certainty that this will not fail.
The idea is simple. Query the usage of indexes in sqlplans stored in shared memory ( v$sql ) or check this plans in awr snaps and/or compare this with segments statistics.
select v1.owner,index_name,value
from dba_indexes v1 , v$segment_statistics v2
where v1.index_name = v2.object_name
and v1.index_name not in (select distinct(object_name) from ( select object_name
from dba_hist_sql_plan
where object_type like 'INDEX'
and object_owner like ''
union all
select object_name
from v$sql_plan
where object_type like 'INDEX'
and object_owner like '' ) )
and v1.owner like ''
and v2.statistic_name like '%logical reads%' order by 3 desc ;
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